Happy Heifer photography please do not copy without permission
Today was a day to remember! Everyday around here is a day to remember! We went from being ice breaking, cow feeding, horse feeding country people to Panera Bread eating city people. Yes, I do eat Panera Bread and I love it!!!!
This morning we all headed up to the barn to feed bottle calves, horses, and grafter cows (cows that lost baby's and have an orphan put on them). That took all of three hours. Then PAtrick speeds up to the barn frantically, it really startled me. He had a calf on the bed of his pickup that had fallen through the ice in a creek over night and was on the brink of death. We put it in the office and began the warm up process. The poor things legs were frozen stiff (literally). We did all we could for it, an IV, warm heaters and blankets, Tubed it with electrolytes but to no avail the little guy died. It was probably for the best she would have never recovered from the whole frozen leg thing. It's disheartening sometimes when you are having a great day then have to deal with a life or death situation. In those situations you do your best and realize that everything that could be done was done.
After the ordeal with the frozen calf the boys and I went to go get my new camera (yippy skippy, jumping for joy at the moment). I did not get anything super fancy it is still just a digital point and shoot but it is a 10 mega pixels instead of a 6.0 like my old one. I have a lot to learn about it and have not taken any pictures with it yet. All these pictures I uploaded today were with my old one. The new Camera is a Fuji I hope it does well. My old one was a samsung and it did good.
Patrick also bought a new truck today.(new to us) It has been a day of buying. Yes we are loaded and spend this kind of money daily. JUST JOSHIN YA"LL we got our tax money, wooohooo. No we did not save it and yes we should have, but I really really needed a new camera. Our kids don't need to go to college! Patrick really really needed another junky truck. Our kids don't need braces. We did pay off one bill with it, yah you go you responsible people!!!!
Everyone have a great night and I can't wait to start taking pictures with my new camera, Black Betty.
That whole frozen baby calf thing is why I could never live on a ranch. ;-(
I love sky photos, too, but go look at what I posted tonight, then compare it to yours. Or maybe don't compare it to yours. That's what I get for living in the 'burbs and not on the prairie.
All I can say is wow!!!!! Just love that sky picture.
Keep up the good work.
Wow HH! I had no idea you were such a photographer. And I'm really enjoying your blog, btw!
I wanna live with you for awhile! Can I, Can I? Your Auntie is tired and needs to get away! Love your pics, love your blog for the day, gotta love them kid-o's!
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