Strolling down the rows of booths and seeing all the home grown vegetables, fruits and canned goods I take a deep breath, the smell is intoxicating. I look around and feel as though I am in a painting all the natural colors and beautiful pies and flowers, clothes, meats and produce. I am at a farmers market I love it here everyone is happy to help you pick out the perfect piece of fruit or let you taste the homemade apple pies.
Living as far out in the country as we do farmers markets are just a distant memory for me. I love fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh flowers. It is not very often though that I can get to a farmers market.
We do grow a garden a small one mostly peppers, all kinds of peppers, Patrick loves peppers. We also grow tomatoes the kind that you can eat right off the vine with the juice dribbling down your face.
For all my other local produce I like to take advantage of an Amish community that is only about an hour away. I love the drive to this place the anticipation of a lovely discussion with one of the wives or what new beautiful flowers they may have available.
We also buy butcher hogs from them. They raise hogs and always have sows that no longer can produce piglets. I like buying my pork from them because at this particular farm the pigs are not kept in small cages. They keep all their pigs in big pastures and they have their piglets this way. I like knowing were my family's meat is coming from and I like knowing that the animals were treated fairly and compassionately.
Buying locally whether it is eggs, vegetables or meat is the best way to go. For one you support your local community and for two you know exactly were your food is from.
If you do not have a farmers market near by, find out if there is an Amish or Mennonite community. Or ask friends maybe you grow something in your garden that they want and vice- verse. Just ask around you will find somebody that has an over abundance of produce and they are willing to share.
HIPPY COWGIRL remember I cant spell photo courtesy of treehugger.com
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