Thursday, February 19, 2009

SKY WATCH FRIDAYS SUNSET and reflection of the heart

I did not do any editing on these photos they are all the originals. All I did was crop a little. I love what the sun can do. I also love this horse one because the sky is so blue and reflects in the eye.
Happy Heifer


Anonymous said...

Wow! Those sunsets are fantastic. The reflection in the horses' eye is great picture taking. said...

oh my gosh! these skies are beautiful. I love the blue in the eye!

Light and Voices said...

Awareness is the key to photography. Amazing FRIDAY SKY WATCH post.

Pony Girl said...

Those blue skies always make for great pictures, don't they? Thanks for pointing out the blue reflection, I didn't pick up on that at first and it's really neat!

floreta said...

amazing ray capture in the last two! the first one is a bit creepy.

angela said...

Neat reflection there. You must be very observant to have noticed it. I especially like that second sunset photo

Cactus Jack Splash said...

I love horse eye pictures, they are so soulful. The sun photos are amazing

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots! Very beautiful Skywatch post.
Cheers, Klaus

Rich said...

Wow. beautiful shots. love the reflection in your horse's eye.

kazu said...

How nice sunset photos!
It is fantastic.

Aspen Photography said...

Thanks everyone I just love taking pictures so much and love that I can share them with everyone!! You all are amazing and I have checked out each of y'alls blogs but only could comment on a few since we I have dial up my computer gets overloaded when I try to comment. Love everyones!!!! Megan

Frazzled Farm Wife said...


Eve said...

Aaawww... the horse photo is adorable. I also LOVE the very distinct rays of the sun in the bottom photo!

B SQUARED said...

Very nice!

restoration42 said...

WOW! The sun is just amazing! Love the horse's eye - love all horses' eyes but what a great photographic capture of its depths.