More funny quotes from funny boys- Older boy says "Mom Cason is inconsiderate" Older boy thinks for a minute "what does inconsiderate mean" mom says it means you don't care about peoples feelings Older boy says "OK I am considerate and Cason is inconsiderate"
Younger boy, older boy and mom are in a vets office. The vet is looking at our Homer Dog. The vet says SHE sure is a nice dog. Younger boy in a deep, deep voice says NOO HEE ISS A MAAAN. Everyone falls on the floor laughing younger boy screams THAT IS NOT FUUUNNNNNNYYYYYY. Everyone laughs more.
Older boy is very intellectual and thinks about things a lot. Yesterday he was pondering why he farts.
Older boy just came in my room and asked "why do a mom and dad have to be a boy and girl"
Patricks answer uuhhhhhhh We were in wal-mart the other day and my oldest boy asked for a toy I said no we don't have any money in the bank he said "Just write a check"
Currently the two boys are walking around wearing my clothes and my exercise weights
When youngest boy throws a fit he sends himself to the corner and when he is done he says "mommy I am done with my fit" It is nice when your kids discipline themselves.
Oldest boy learned his colors by memorizing different tractors. We would hold up a green card and he would say "John Deere" we would hold up a blue card and he would say "ford" red card he would say "internationash" When he started going to nursery school his teacher asked him his colors and all he would say is different tractors. She thought he was special (not in a good way)
Happy Heifer
Monday, February 16, 2009
Funny Boys
Funny quotes from funny boys- Older boy sits in car kicking the back of the seat mom says "stop"! Boy does not stop. Mom demands he stops boy does not stop. Mom says "I am going to turn this car around". Younger boy chimes in "mom you said the wrong words, you were suppose to say I am going to pull this car over and pop your butt".
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Cute post
Oh that is too hilarious! As a teacher, I hear little fun exchanges between kids all of the time, too!
How old are the boys now?
Great pics of them, by the way! ;)
They are 5 and 3 Thanks
Those are great pictures of the boys!!I love them.
Are there some pictures missing? There are some large spaces between some of your great stories. Wish you would E-mail me some of those great pictures!!!! Talk to you later.
Oh Wow That is SS000ooooo funny!
Thanks for the great laugh! It's seems like it's been centuries since my two talked like that. sniff . . sniff.
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