Today Patrick got a phone call from a neighbor who has a jersey milk cow named Hershey. Our neighbor Jan loves Hershey. They have a bond that not many people share with a cow. Hershey was having trouble calving and Jan did not know what to do. Jan asked Patrick to come and help.

When Patrick arrived it was obvious to him that Hershey was in a bit of a pickle her calf was breech and both back feet were back (coming tail first). Jan's husband and son had been working on getting the calf out for some time but to no avail. Patrick brought a calf puller and had the calf out pretty quick. It was to late for the calf. Everyone was very worried about Hershey though because she would not get up Patrick was worried she had exhausted herself or worse yet she was paralyzed. Jan was so worried about Hershey that she could not even be out at the barn she was sure Hershey was facing certain demise. They were able to finally coax Hershey up with some food, Hershey loves food. Jan finally came down to the barn and saw that hershey was Ok. She was very relieved that her best friend was going to be Ok. Patrick would not accept any kind of payment of course, but Jan insisted he atleast take a dozen farm fresh eggs. You cannot leave Jan's house without some sort of a home grown treat.

Its funny how on a regular basis we deal with this same sort of thing. But when it is a friends cow and that cow is not only a milk cow she is a best friend, how everyone even a burly tough skinned ranch hand like Patrick let's it touch his heart. Even if for just a second.
Great story. So glad patrick could help out and those nice fresh eggs look wonderful. We are in Burns, OR tonight and will probably be home later tomorrow. Lots of snow here and cold. Still loving your blog. Keep it up.
Glad to hear that you were able to save the cow... we have lost a cow and two calves this year due to calving problems, so it's always good to hear a somewhat happy ending.
Hey Megan,
Thanks for stopping by. Sorry that Hershey lost her calf. I hate that. =[
Teenagers are very rough and I have definately aged in the past few years. But, every once in awhile, it is worth it. I cannot retire doing this. It is veeerrrryyy time consuming and I want a family.
Fresh eggs, nothing better. They do make a difference. That's why I love having chickens.
Glad hubby was able to help out, sorry about the calf. We have helped with several of those types of delieveries and it could have been alot worse. Glad Hershey is well. What a great name for a cow!
Found you via Ranch Diva Rachel's blog
Thanks for visiting my blog- please check back from time to time and meet my family and friends.
It's frustrating to work so hard and lose something that means an income (sorry to all those RW libs out there but losing livestock means more than losing a cute face- it means losing money). Glad the cow made it.
I got lucky just before Xmas when I had to pull a lamb that was breech. I thot I was going to lose her but she made it along with her twin bro and mom too. Hardest thing I've had to do in a long time.
No one likes to see a cow in distress no matter how many or how few you have! The eggs look delicious...I'll have my sunny side up with a piece of dry toast!
Enjoyed this story, and browsing through your blog! You have some beautiful pictures!
That post that was removed was removed by me!! no hate mail yet darnit ;P
Ok for some reason everytime I post a comment it makes no sense at all whatsoever iiiimmaaaaggiiine that. The post that was removed was written by me and the next post I left was suppose to say I WROTE the post that was removed and that I have not had any hate mail yet DARNIT ;)
So I probably did not need to explain all that becuase no one really cares!!!!!!! I am sure
blahhhhh on meeee
It made a lot of sense to me. Glad you didn't get hate mail. Had me worried for a minute.
My husband, completely new to the country life, helped the neighbor's cow who was in distress trying to deliver her breech baby. They got our daughter's baseball bat and tied baling twine onto it and onto the calf and they pulled her out! I have pictures of it on my blog. We call that the lucky bat now.
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