Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dreams Do come true

Are you ever in the midst of a dream like being in a submarine or flying through the sky as a super human woman hero. All of sudden a gas line breaks on your submarine or you fly through a poisones gas cloud set by your arch enemy. When you are on your submarine you do what you can to get the gas leak fixed and when you are super human woman hero you put your nitric gas pack into super blast so you can get through the gas cloud before you suffocate. Just as you are about to fix the leak or about clear the poison cloud you wake up and realize that the gas problem is real and is suffocatingly bad as you rub your eyes and gag a little you try to figure out where the smell is coming from. As you wake up more and gag more your nose senses the culprit it is your significant other happily asleep next to you dreaming peaceful dreams of relief, as you gasp for air and go sleep on the couch. This has happened to me two nights in a row. I blame the Taco Soup he has been eating it for lunch and even with dinner. Tonight he was wondering what was for dinner and I told him there was Taco Soup left and he said that would be fine with him, but I might want to reconsider since I will more than likely have to sleep on the couch again. I think the Taco Soup is good and so does he but it does induce a gas phenomenon.

Happy Heifer


Anonymous said...

I sure hope poor Patrick doesn't read this story!!! You meany. We are in Boise Idaho tonight. Thanks for putting the Skywatch pictures in.

Aspen Photography said...

I put them in to early I was thinking today was thursday for some reason but as soon as I can I will post on the sky watch page

Meg said...

Hello sweetie!

Thanks for stopping by today, I love your blog, very cool!

BTW, I love taco soup! I am a huge pasta fanatic and I MUST try your recipe!

I was going to follow you, but you don't have the feature, I will subscribe via reader. I am totally liking your stuff here, what part of the US are you in?

Here's to new bloggy buds! ~Cheers~

Aspen Photography said...

Hey thanks, I am in Mo. thanks for stopping by as well

Anonymous said...

happy cows, happy horses.. happy life.. just take er easy on that soup:)

gp in montana

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping in the other day! I've experienced gas attacks like that too. Most often in the truck on our way somewhere.

RoweKlan said...

Yah we have been eating the taco soup the last couple of days, I have noticed something broiling in my stomach :P Guess what I am applying for a job in ALASKA, so maybe the whole fam will just move up with trevor. I will tell you more if you ever charge your phone! Love ya

The Wildwood said...

Thanks for visiting me on my blog "The Wildwood". I took your good advise and yes I like the last one the best myself actually :) Your blog is so cute and I laughed and loved the dream sequence.......been there myself! hahaha Your Skywatch photos were very beautiful, cat story is only too typical of living in the country. Sad but so true. Sounds like you are an animal lover just like myself and it is the people who are not responsible that cause the problem in the first place.
It was nice to meet you, and come visit me often, I am sure to visit your blog often myself!