What do you think the black dot could be? Sorry for the bad picture! I was searching through some pictures I took last week and stumbled across this. When I took the pic. I did not realize there was an unidentified flying object flying over the top of the hill across from our house. It looks to be way to big to be a bird compared to the trees under it. Way to low to be a plane and I would have heard and noticed a plane. I just
don't know.
Be sure to click on the photo to enlarge it and see what you think! Give me everyones best and wildest guess's because your guess is as good as mine!
Happy Heifer
Click on the title to this post to view other great sky photos!!
I'm going to go with bird. I think it's relatively close to you, not over the trees. Looks like it's flying from left to right with wings at the horizontal. Maybe an Ivory-billed Woodpecker (to keep with the paranormal theme ;) )
I think it must be that bug you smashed on your lens and forgot to wipe it off. Interesting photo. I hope you figure it out. Never know what you will see in the sky when you become an obsessed sky watcher.!!
Superman after he had a rather unfortunate incident in a chimney? Even superflight can't get all that soot off.
Spaceship!! Very cool!
I wonder if my Sky Watch photos could help tell you what your UFO is...hmmmmm.
for sure an ufo :). or a bird. but does it matter? the picture is fine!
I think it was a large bird, maybe a hawk --but it was moving so it blurred, which makes it look bigger. Or, it could be an alien ship from the planet Bleeshion.
I found you through Sky Watch Friday, but I see you are into cows. You might be interested in a couple of posts on my blog about my love of the bovine:
It is a nice picture, creates a bit of a mystery.
Jack says it could be a black horse eating grocery bag flying around looking for him.
It does look a bit like a bird when the picture is big, but then again the aliens would be sure to creatively disguise their spaceship to go unnoticed.
Well, I live on the flight path to McConnell Air Force Base outside Wichita, Kansas - that to me, looks like the Stealth Bomber from a distance! Had one cruise right over my house - felt like I could reach up and touch it . . . but couldn't hear it! So . . . that's my guess and I'm sticken to it!
It's a cool picture...I can't tell what it is but Broken Y's guess sounds pretty good...
Cool Picture- About two weeks ago we lost
our pet flying spaghetti monster and are
really excited about your siting. If you
are fortunate to spot it again, please
report to the web site of the Church Of The
Flying Spaghetti Monster. Be sure and check
the web site of the Church Of The Flying
Spaghetti Monster.
You will never guess who wrote you that anonymous post! Okay I will give you a hint. His initials are DSA. That really is a web site he found.
He really hasn't completely gone off his rocker yet!!!
Wonderful!! I am so glad everyone is coming up with ideas for this. I like the ivory billed wood pecker and of course anyone who think alien aircraft ;) Superman covered insoot is a classic. Alien spaceship from the planet bleeshin. Black horse eating grocery bag it must have alraedy dined on a few black cows LOL! ANd broken Y's stealth bomber could very well be. She said you can't hear them. Anynomous's pet flying spaghetti monster is probably what it is though so everyone keep coming up with ideas and keep an eye on the sky for the lost flying spaghetti monster. Megan
Nice photo for SWF. I guess the object is just ET coming back to earth for a visit. :) Have a nice weekend.
hello! thank you so much for your support in the blog theft issue! please go to the page of my friend Lara in USA (she has the same name as I do :) ). There she teaches how to create watermarks in photoshop - I learnt this from her too :). Otherwise, just mark your photos in paint or any other program that allows you to write on the picture. The least you can do is to write your name or the name (URL address) of your blog on the picture. No picture is worthless if they are yours, and we should protect our property one way or another! Hugs, Lara
Here is the link: http://lalakme.blogspot.com/2008/05/photoshop-how-to-get-your-pictures.html
Hi! I think the object is a bird--that is a bit blurred and stretched! Have a great week!
I just love the serenity in the picture. Doesn't matter to me if its a UFO.
Was thinking about you today....Have you heard anything about the ranch job near Quemado?
I hope it works out...then we'll be neighbors...sort of! hehe
I hope you'll update your blog soon. Miss ya!
Tijeras, NM
I'm going with bird. Cool photo.
WOW!! awesome scene, beautiful picture..i like it very much:-)
Looks like it's flying from left to right with wings at the horizontal.
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