He'll start off singing real quiet "on a wagon last October was a kid of seventeen"
then the new species searches the terrain to make sure no one is watching and he'll go into full blown song and Dance
"a city kid from Dallas wet behind the ears and green" He'll look around again
"he stepped out of the pages of a western catalog"
"not the kind you'd pick to ride the rivers and the bogs"
"The boss had put the kid and me together for the drive"
"We took the outside circle I was mad and full of fight"
This new strange species I will call "Dancing Cowboy Dustin" is still thinking no one is watching. As I secretly watch I feel like a hunter stocking his prey, can I get close enough to get a good shot, I like to watch the fight dance of my prey. I sneak closer as the species continues to show us it's true glory. I have my camo and my sent away on. I finally get a good shot, capturing the new species of "dancing cowboy Dustin".
What a little darling. Looks like he is going to be a star when he is older.
Soooo Cute!!!!! Here is the next country western singer. Great story. Love the pictures of those boys.
Forgot to say that I think you should post the picture of the fire ring elk on your paintbox picture blog. I just love that shot!!!
He's too stinkin' cute! ;) I wish you could have caught it on video, that would have been priceless. It is funny how some kids love to let loose in private then get all embarrassed when they see someone watching!!
That is precious!
How adorable!! I love it that he is a song and dance man!
Very cute! You'll have to try and catch this on video! Then send it to Red! He'll love it! Who knows - that may be the start of his career!Look what he did for Reba!
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