be sure to click on the image to see full effect
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sky watch Fridays what a wonderful day
be sure to click on the image to see full effect
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Touching on a Touchy subject horses
Horses are beautiful animals. I won't lie I absolutely love the horse. I don't think a person who wants to or does work with horses could say " I just flat out don't like horses". Even the meanest, grouchiest, nastiest horse trader at some point in his life probably loved the horse. Currently the horseman and the animal lover are in a debate over what should happen with thousands of horses. When looking at this situation I have to put myself in the middle and look at both sides of the story. As you all probably know I am a little strange and I have a hippy sitting on one shoulder and cowgirl on the other, I just can't help but look at both sides of this situation.
Now don't hate me for voicing my little opinion and I would like to see what everyone else thinks of this problem even if you think I am DUMB BUTT !!!!!!!!!! Nothing to mean though K
Happy Heifer and her hippy and cowgirl ride again
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Morning Crisp and cold Garden waiting for another day
Friday, April 10, 2009
Where have I been
Do you remember two weeks ago when I posted the picture of the "flying object", well it actually was a alien space ship and they did not take to kindly to me posting a picture of them. So they abducted me. The events that followed the first meeting with the aliens will scare the pants off of you, First they took me up in to the ship and transported me to the planet zoombabap that when they..........
Just kidding not to long after my last sky watch post I got so so sick, sick, sick ,sick and could not figure out what was wrong with me so I went to the doctor and they said I had strep throat. I am 20 some years old and getting strep throat I am not OK with that. I got a shot in my butt and started feeling better then I decided I would do a blog all about my sickness every gory detail. I sat down to start my blog and lo and behold I had a bad virus or worm and could not put any pictures on and without pictures I have no inspiration, no imagination so I got sad and depressed. I tinkered with my computer and could not fix it, then I got mad and stubborn and decided I would not ever touch the computer again. About a week after my computer broke, I began to recover from my sickness then my youngest baby Cason got strep. Poor thing but the crazy thing is, I got it again too so now I am recovering from strep and taking care of a sick baby except it does not seem to affect him as much as it does me. Patrick says it is because I am a big baby ( he has no sympathy). He told me one day when I was feeling a little neglected and felt as though I was going to die he said "if you are looking for sympathy you can find it between $#!T and syphilis in the dictionary" how sweet is that? I don't think I am a baby I just think as an adult strep hurts lots, lots, lots worse than when you are a kid and when you get it twice in two weeks it just breaks your spirits and morphs you into this whiny, crying needy little thing. Just kidding I was tough as rocks, really I was I went and bucked 100,000 hay bales while running a 104 degree fever, really I did this is blog land remember.
Alright so I am back if anyone was wondering I know one person was and that touched my heart and made me so happy, thank you to you. I know my mom is not wondering because she is off on a two week cruise, Yuck on you mother!!! I will have pictures later today and will get going full speed again as soon as I get the kinks worked out with puting pictures on here.
Peace out and wet soggy cow Patty's
Just kidding not to long after my last sky watch post I got so so sick, sick, sick ,sick and could not figure out what was wrong with me so I went to the doctor and they said I had strep throat. I am 20 some years old and getting strep throat I am not OK with that. I got a shot in my butt and started feeling better then I decided I would do a blog all about my sickness every gory detail. I sat down to start my blog and lo and behold I had a bad virus or worm and could not put any pictures on and without pictures I have no inspiration, no imagination so I got sad and depressed. I tinkered with my computer and could not fix it, then I got mad and stubborn and decided I would not ever touch the computer again. About a week after my computer broke, I began to recover from my sickness then my youngest baby Cason got strep. Poor thing but the crazy thing is, I got it again too so now I am recovering from strep and taking care of a sick baby except it does not seem to affect him as much as it does me. Patrick says it is because I am a big baby ( he has no sympathy). He told me one day when I was feeling a little neglected and felt as though I was going to die he said "if you are looking for sympathy you can find it between $#!T and syphilis in the dictionary" how sweet is that? I don't think I am a baby I just think as an adult strep hurts lots, lots, lots worse than when you are a kid and when you get it twice in two weeks it just breaks your spirits and morphs you into this whiny, crying needy little thing. Just kidding I was tough as rocks, really I was I went and bucked 100,000 hay bales while running a 104 degree fever, really I did this is blog land remember.
Alright so I am back if anyone was wondering I know one person was and that touched my heart and made me so happy, thank you to you. I know my mom is not wondering because she is off on a two week cruise, Yuck on you mother!!! I will have pictures later today and will get going full speed again as soon as I get the kinks worked out with puting pictures on here.
Peace out and wet soggy cow Patty's
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sky Watch Fridays UFO
Be sure to click on the photo to enlarge it and see what you think! Give me everyones best and wildest guess's because your guess is as good as mine!
Happy Heifer
Click on the title to this post to view other great sky photos!!
Always stop and smell the flowers
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Watery Wednesday My first one
Sunday, March 22, 2009
They sold 300 bulls, 300 bred heifers and 50 pairs. They averaged $3200 and they made 1.5 million. The bulls were all premium Circle A Angus some were registered but most were commercial. Circle A was pretty smart in a new program they started to advertise and sell premium commercial bulls. They have kept such detailed records on all there commercial cows over the years that they have a certification program on all there commercial bulls and have the lineage on all of them. They are premium good quality bulls that do as well or better in calf production and weight gain as registered bulls.
The show barn which is were they hold the auction is also were Patrick and I attend cowboy church. The cowboy church was started by someone who works for circle A so we use there "show Barn" they call it a show barn but they don't do very much showing anymore it is mostly just there own private auction barn.
They had a pen full of real nice baldy heifers that were bred. We raised these baldys last year I always liked seeing the baldys born.
This guy was not for sale he is one of circle A's leading sires. I could not decide if he wanted to eat me for dinner or if he wanted his head scratched but I decided not to stick around and find out.
Happy Heifer
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Dirty Dishes
More often than not my sink has dirty dishes in it. I realize that if I actually set in and do the dishes after every meal it would only take me a few minutes, instead of the hours it takes me to clean them every other day or so. I despise a dirty sink, but I despise doing the dishes more. Its a never ending battle I have with dishes. It will be a fight till the end I don't know who will win me or the dish.
Happy Heifer
More often than not my sink has dirty dishes in it. I realize that if I actually set in and do the dishes after every meal it would only take me a few minutes, instead of the hours it takes me to clean them every other day or so. I despise a dirty sink, but I despise doing the dishes more. Its a never ending battle I have with dishes. It will be a fight till the end I don't know who will win me or the dish.
Happy Heifer
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"You stink mommy"
Cason my three yr. old and I went to town this afternoon to pick Dustin up from preschool. As we were driving Cason said "I smell something stinky" I replied "oh it is just this stinky truck" He said "No" "it smells like poop" I said I don't smell anything like that and he said " Do you smell stinky mommy?" I answered quikly " no mommy never stinks" LOL He couldnt leave it at that though in a shy little voice he said "mommy you stink" I again said "no" and he then asked "did you wipe your bottom good after you went Pooppoo" I just about crashed the truck then I laughed then he yelled "THATS NOT FUNNYYYY"
Just to clarify he was smelling dog poop that was on his shoe!! URGHHH So I really dont stink, really I don't, I am sure of it, If I did I would smell it, Wouldn't I? LOL
Happy Heifer
Just to clarify he was smelling dog poop that was on his shoe!! URGHHH So I really dont stink, really I don't, I am sure of it, If I did I would smell it, Wouldn't I? LOL
Happy Heifer
Calves will be calves
Happy Heifer
Cows all around
Being that I am a vegetarian and sometimes have a little hippy sitting on my shoulder I have a hard time imagining these little calves as food. As I watch them playing in the pasture and just enjoying life I get a little knot in my stomach and have to look a way. Then the cowgirl on my other shoulder slaps the hippy and says get a grip.
Peace, love and cow manure
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hillbilly fun
When you ask Dustin and Cason what they want to eat they don't say McDonald's they say Mexian, yes Mexican we love Mexican food. When Dustin was little and we were out and a bout and he would get hungry he would not say I want french fries, or I want a hamburger he would say "I want chips' and dip it" chips and salsa. I think I have said to much everyone is going to think we love Mexican food or something and instead of being good parents and take our kids to McDonald's we have always made them come with us to Mexican.
I really enjoy going out exploring in the pastures. We have so many interesting valleys and hiding spots. Places that make exploring for a kid a blast. When my boys get older I hope they will enjoy exploring these places on there own making forts and little villages down in the valleys, with rock people farming there land until a big black monster comes and tears down their village. Or a flood washes away there houses, I am sure hard on rock people, I guess
The boys were playing at the pond and decided to throw rocks in it then Dustin said he was going to throw rocks and hit the sleeping turtles on the head. I had to have a discussion about not hurting things for the fun of it. He still wanted to hit turtles on the head so I told him we are going to go home if he does not stop saying he wanted to hurt the turtles. He stopped saying but still continued to throw rocks in the same spot. I thought what a good boy he decided not to try and hurt the turtles anymore. I realized later that that devious little look on his face, the grin, and evil eye meant he was still thinking about hitting the turtles on the head but just quit saying it because I asked him to. He really pulled one over on me and he knew it.
Oh what a beautiful sign of spring a fly!
He had a blast climbing this tree. I was so proud of him and being brave because sometimes he can be a bit of a woos, did I just say that about my son, no I didn't, SHHH don't tell.
He thinks he is a stud muffin, did I just call my son a stud muffin? what is my problem first he is a woos then a stud muffin.
He is a gangsta! Now I am referring to him as a gangster sometimes, no all the time I wonder about my self.
We had Robin red breasts all over the trees of course I only got two shots and one was blurry because I had three dogs and two boys running around scaring them.
He is getting to be such a big boy and he is not a woos this boy was soaked from head to toe and did not complain one bit. Dustin on the other hand had to jump the creeks and threw a fit when his boot fell off and got wet. Did I mention he is a woos. Oh I already did well I don't truly think he is a woos really I don't, I promise, I think.
I think I get my joy for exploring from my mom. She is the ultimate exploring queen.
Back to depriving our children we also don't let them play video games, not at all. So many kids are so addicted to video games that it scares me and Patrick and we decided early on that our boys are not going to play video games, and we have stuck to it, they don't! We plan to teach them the computer because these days you have to know computers but it won't be because they play games on there. We will have to see how all that works out when the time comes. I do feel bad depriving my children of things that all there friends get to enjoy but I just can't help it, It is my way or the Highway in my house ;P I do let them watch to much TV though and need to start working on that.
The boys were playing at the pond and decided to throw rocks in it then Dustin said he was going to throw rocks and hit the sleeping turtles on the head. I had to have a discussion about not hurting things for the fun of it. He still wanted to hit turtles on the head so I told him we are going to go home if he does not stop saying he wanted to hurt the turtles. He stopped saying but still continued to throw rocks in the same spot. I thought what a good boy he decided not to try and hurt the turtles anymore. I realized later that that devious little look on his face, the grin, and evil eye meant he was still thinking about hitting the turtles on the head but just quit saying it because I asked him to. He really pulled one over on me and he knew it.
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