Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sky watch Fridays what a wonderful day

This picture is straight out of the camera I did not even crop it! I absolutely love the deep blue of the sky and all the contrast of the flower and the wispy clouds almost wrapping around the flower. What a wonderful sign of spring! Happy sky watch fridays everyone and be sure to click on the title to this post to see other great sky pictures!
be sure to click on the image to see full effect


krizcpec said...

wow, wonderful day it was!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Happy spring! Lovely shot.

Glennis said...

Pretty Spring bulb in the sunshine under a pretty sky.

Arlene said...

Obviously a wonderful day just by the look of your photo!

Happy week-end!

Nature Rambler said...

Wow, great photo. When you enlarge it, it looks like it has spider webs on the flower. Great close up. I really like it.

nature ramblings said...

ifI forgot to say congratulations on having your photo chosen as guest host for this weeks Skywatch. Also I really liked the caption under it. "We are just a flea on a floating pea with the oven not far away." That is so good, did you make it up? Talk to you soon.

Loran said...

Don'tcha just love it when a picture turns out PERFECT!

Congratulations on being guest host this week too--that is a great quote.

Ingrid said...

very beautiful !
and what a gorgeous photo on the sky watch page !

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I came here from Skywatch@friday. Congrats!!!The rays pf the sun are so...., just like the way children would draw the sun.

Sharon said...

Sun worship of the best kind. Fantastic shot.


Regina said...

It's pretty. Excellent shot.

RA said...

Congrats as today's SkyWatch Friday guest! Great shots of the sky. Both here and there. Have a great weekend :)

Small City Scenes said...

Spectacular. MB

Vicky said...

Hi, I came from SWF too! love your photos. Thanks for sharing

B SQUARED said...

Very nice framing and color. Good job.

Reader Wil said...

Wonderful narcissus! Have a great SWF

Owlfarmer said...

Isn't it great when the sky just happens to pop into what you're focusing on--and then provide the perfect background? This shot looks like it could go on a greeting card and make folks happy everywhere.

Thanks for stopping by the farm, too, and for the good wishes.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Ben: Beautiful capture of the flower in the sky. Thanks for sharing your neat shot on SWF opening.

Eve said...

Beautiful flower photo! I love that blue and white contrast!

nature ramblings said...

Just me again. I just love this shot. It looks like the flower is worshiping the sun. It's petals are kind of folded back and it is pushing its sunny little face up towards the sky. A true sun worshiper. Such a great angle. You must have been laying on the ground!!!

Mo said...

ooh lovely

Arija said...

Nice shot, it could also have doubled for TODAY'S FLOWERS.

Susan English Mason said...

I too like how the feathery clouds are caressing the flower's petals. Nice shot for Sky Watch Friday.

Susan English Mason said...

I hope you got a package in the mail this past week.

Paula said...

Beautiful! You should frame it!

JuneMoonToon said...

OH! That is an absolutely beautiful shot! Thanks!

Farmchick said...

Yes--that is a great shot! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Stop in to my farm and visit soon!

Cowgirly said...

that is a great pic, I love when a photo comes out so well on its own!

JO said...

lovely flower.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.