Saturday, October 23, 2010
Who I am
I am wife: Mother: Lover of animals: A Born again Christian: A question asker: should have been born a gypsy: A dreamer: A Lover: I am loved: I smile: I laugh: I love life in the middle of nowhere: I like freedom and feeling free: I am still amazed by my kids daily: I love the sparkle in my husbands eyes: A amateur photographer: A traveler: Dislike people who abuse animals: can have a mean streak: The class clown: I will make fun of myself: I am a daughter: A writer: I am not a good housekeeper: I have an artistic streak that I have not found yet: I still don't know what I am going to be when I grow up: I am thirty: I will never be twenty again: I want lots of kids: But I am blessed with the two that I have: Always wanting to improve myself: I walk with God: I pray daily: I need to read the bible more: Always striving to be a better mother: I need change: Anything normal scares me: I have secrets: I love food way too much: I love to cook for my family: I despise laundry and dishes: I get migraines and they scare me: A borderline Hypochondriac: I enjoy sweeping, mopping and dusting: A friend: A worrier: I have a vivid imagination: An optimist most of the time: I love nature: I hate TV but I cant stop watching it: I want to home school my kids but I don't think I have the patience's: I am impatient: I love my truck: I love my animals: Could easily be the crazy cat women: I need to improve: I am happy with who I am: I am crazy: I am loud: usually people like me: I need my space: my kids make me laugh: My kids make me crazy: wish I had a hippy bus: married to a cattle rancher: I am a vegetarian: Love health food stores: I love the smell of clean laundry: I want to start quilting: I want to be inspirational: I want to be remembered: I want to make my family happy: I am a pleaser: I am me:
Prayers needed
I am asking for prayers!! A dear friend of mine is 22 weeks pregnant with a sweet baby girl and they have now found out that the baby has severe Infant hydrops syndrome. Her and her husband have been trying for a baby for many years and last year were blessed with a baby boy that they lost at 22 weeks, now she is faced with the chance of losing another baby! Please lift them up in your prayers, pray for Baby Delanie Hope. The Lord works miracles daily and we all need to pray that the Lord is with this family in this time of need and blessings. God Bless you all and God bless this family
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
I find myself super busy now that I am working, I long for the day when I could just grab my camera and take pictures of anything and everything! Now that I am working most of my picture taking want to leaves me by the time I get homw and it's about all I have in me to snap a couple pics of the boys on a special day! But since I have only been working for six weeks I have a massive backstock of pics that I took when I could spend my days looking through a camera lense! It is funny how we want something and when we get it we long for how it use to be! I guess the old saying is true "the grass is not always greener on the other side"
Happy days to you
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Things Boys say
My youngest baby comes in the house,crying and says
"Dustin hides better than me"
I ask him "are you guys playing hide and seek?"
He says "yes, but"
I say "did you look for DUstin"
Cason say's "No because he hides better than me"
I say "Cson that's just the way life is "
Cason yell's "No ThaTS THE WAY DUSTIN IS" and he than storms out the door screaming for Dustin to stop hiding.
"Dustin hides better than me"
I ask him "are you guys playing hide and seek?"
He says "yes, but"
I say "did you look for DUstin"
Cason say's "No because he hides better than me"
I say "Cson that's just the way life is "
Cason yell's "No ThaTS THE WAY DUSTIN IS" and he than storms out the door screaming for Dustin to stop hiding.
I have always been the more positive one in the family, Always looking at the cup half full never once doubting anything, walking with confidence, but a very scary thing happened a few days ago, and it has changed my whole prospective on life, it was such a horrible event and even though I did have all the support of friends and family it was still an aweful experience. No trip to the hospital was needed though I thought at one time I was going to have a heart attack, all while thinking why me, why me. Now you have to know I am not one to dwell on self pitty I always trudge through whatever is handed to me but this was such an aweful, aweful thing that it's hard for me to even mention it to anyone even over the computer but I guess you all need to know the horrible experience that we have been through over the past week!
I turned THIRTY, I am Thirty not twenty anymore Thirty!!!!!
Oh well I guess I need to face the music and go into my next thirty years with my head held high!
Love the old woman
I turned THIRTY, I am Thirty not twenty anymore Thirty!!!!!
Oh well I guess I need to face the music and go into my next thirty years with my head held high!
Love the old woman
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Where have we been, if anyone is still out there we have been in Colorado yah thats right I have not posted a thing in over a year! Patrick took a job on a large cattle ranch in the mountains of Colorado. When I last blogged we lived in Mo so heres just a few of the 1,000's of pics I have taken over the last year.
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